


所有学生在 JCG 入学时都会获得 Microsoft Office 365 账户。所有学生必须签署 "可接受使用政策",才能访问该账户以及学院使用的所有其他平台。

他们可以在学校和家里的任何设备上登录login.microsoftonline.com 访问 Office 365。该账户允许学生在个人电脑和移动设备上免费下载 Microsoft Office 套件。学生可以将自己的工作保存到One Drive中,在家里和学校都可以访问他们的文档。

请注意,一旦学生离开 JCG,该账户将被删除,软件将无法在个人设备上运行,One Drive 中保存的任何数据也将丢失。



在学院期间,我们建议所有移动设备都连接到我们的 Wi-Fi 网络。通过使用学院网络,学生可以使用安全的过滤系统访问互联网,连接到 Office365 应用程序,必要时还可以选择打印作业。

By a mobile device we mean an iPad, tablet or laptop. However, we believe the most effective device for learning at JCG in years 7-13 is an iPad, with track pad keyboard and digital stylus. These can be purchased through the college with an educational discount. All new year 7 students will receive further information regarding the purchase of mobile devices prior to starting at the college.

Please be aware that some devices are not compatible with our network, non- compatible devices include  android tablets and Chromebooks. We recommend where possible that the mobile device is connected to a keyboard to improve functionality and ease of use.





Generally recommended by students and teachers
Office 365 apps: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook and OneDrive – students will receive a free licence for Office365 apps for the duration of their education at the College.
Show My Homework (iOS app only)*
Clickview (iOS app only)*
Chrome web browser
Quizlet – a revision and quiz app
All of the generally recommended apps listed are free to download and are pre-installed on the school iPads
*Can be accessed using web browser/Webapp shortcut

在您的孩子下载建议的应用程序之前,请为您的孩子创建一个 13 岁以下的 Apple ID 或 Windows 帐户。详情请访问以下链接。

Apple ID: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201084

Windows account: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12417/microsoft-account-add-members-to-family


在秋季学期开始时,我们将开设七年级上岗培训课程,届时我们将帮助您的孩子将设备连接到学院的 Wi-Fi、访问他们的电子邮件账户并授权使用 Microsoft Office365 产品。

如果您需要更多建议,请联系 JCG IT 部门,请发送电子邮件至 [电子邮件]