- 招生
- 应用
如何申请 7-11年级
Students will not be invited to take an entrance examination. The decision for admission will be based on the primary school's reference, including recently sat CATs data, and the student’s attitude to learning.
The admission criteria, is as follows:
- Students with a CATs Mean score of 100+ will be considered for entry.
- Achieved 5S (5 Secure Age Related Expectation) or above in Teacher Assessments in English and Mathematics for the end of Year 5.
- Predicted 6S (Age Related Expectation) or above in Teacher Assessments in English and Mathematics for the end of Year 6 A positive school report indicating strong commitment to learning and participation in a broad range of extra-curricular activities.
- Any student with less than 100+ Mean CATs score can opt to sit an Entrance Assessment if they wish to continue with their application.
- Any student who did not sit the recent Year 6 CATs tests will be asked to sit an Entrance Assessment instead.
The final decision will be based on the CATs score plus information contained within the Primary School reference. Places will be allocated according to rank order, considering all the assessment criteria.
- A positive report from the candidate’s present school. (We request student references from the Head of all current schools for all applicants. The information provided to us will include your child’s current and predicted working levels and attitude to study. This will be strictly confidential in accordance with our data protection policy.)
- 对我们的校长和校长的采访。
- A satisfactory performance in our English and Maths entrance papers. (If students are in the UK or based abroad, arrangements can be put in place for them to sit the entrance papers at their current school, under exam conditions.)
- 全面披露任何健康或医疗状况、教育需求或任何可能与学校生活有关的行为、情绪或社会信息。
- A minimum of 100+ mean score in Year 6/9 CATs (if CATs testing has been completed).
Applications for Year 7 2026 are now open *
The deadline for applications for Y7 2026 is 30 September 2025
All other applications for other year groups are now closed - if you would like to apply for a respective waiting list please contact Mrs Kate Robertson on [email protected]
如果您需要任何有关7-11年级入学的进一步信息,请联系凯特-罗伯逊女士或电话:+44(0)1534 516115。
If you require further information on Sixth Form admissions, please contact Mrs Natalie Hopkins, Head of Sixth Form, or tel +44 (0)1534 516267.
College Experience Days are available for Year 5 students. These take place annually in early June. To register your interest, please contact Bronagh Dowdall, Head of Lower School, Tel: +44 (0) 1534 516200.