- JC基金会
- 女性领导力--LEAP
2024 Delegates and where they were from...
The LEAP programme develops business, entrepreneurial and leadership skills through launching social enterprise projects to target key global issues, based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations. International and local students develop their own ideas into a business pitch. Global experts act as coaches, mentors and guides, before becoming investors, ready to provide real-life funding after the final pitch.
Our commitment is to run an introspective, supportive programme, which teases out different types of leadership styles, embraces female empowerment, and helps students equip themselves to lead in a world which they positively shape.
"作为一个女孩的父亲和一个以女性为中心的科技企业的创始人,我对女性的同工同酬和机会充满热情,因此我很荣幸能参加LEAP。这个项目是鼓舞人心的。" 亚伦-查特利,Feel Unique公司的创始人。
“I am so grateful for the opportunity to participate in this program becauseit was an incredible opportunity that not many young women have accessto. I am extremely interested in entrepreneurship, and this program has taughtme a lot about leading a team, collaboration, and starting and running abusiness. Jersey was the perfect location for this incubator because I felt safeat all times to explore the island and take advantage of its resources.“
- 来自30多个国家的学生
- Prize funding
- Multiple social enterprise projects pitched in the Investor Chamber
- CEO’s, managing directors, as trainers and mentors
- 得到领先公司、慈善机构和政府部门的支持
- Value proposition, market research finance, digital marketing, presentation skills and ideation
- 研讨会、讲座、挑战、辩论会
- Interviews on the BBC and ITV!