- JC基金会
- LAMDA演讲与戏剧
In addition to the current Drama provision at the College, the JCG Drama department has combined with Polyphony, to offer LAMDA Speech and Drama tuition. Students are able to register for this tuition, regardless of prior experience and ability. Polyphony is part of the JCG Foundation.
How will the Lessons work?
Lessons during the school day
- A 30-minute shared lesson will be charged at £17 each per student. Fees will be reviewed each year and any proposed increases will be advised to you in the term prior to the increase. The number of lessons in each term may vary but should average over the year at around 10 per term.
- Materials will be provided however any exams offered will be at an additional cost. The current cost for solo and duo speech and drama exams vary according to grade and type and you will be advised of the cost prior to your daughter being entered.
- LAMDA Speech and Drama will be taught by both Miss Stirk and Mrs Cordwell. Both are experienced and inspiring teachers who offer high quality, specialist lessons in the College.
- It is anticipated that lessons will be taught in pairs but with a maximum of 3 students per lesson. E.g. if one student gives notice to stop at the end of term then the remaining student will be offered to join another group for the following term. If there is not an appropriate group available, an individual lesson may be offered. The drama teachers will make the final decision on groupings.
- At the start of term, large group sessions will be held to assess the student’s speech and drama experience which will enable teachers to establish the level at which students will be entered for examinations. In these sessions, pairings for LAMDA Speech and Drama will also be decided. At the end of each term, (or half-term during the first term of lessons) the groups will be reviewed and, changes may be made to ensure students who are progressing at the same rate are kept within the same group.
- Lessons will be scheduled during different academic lessons throughout the school week. To avoid students missing part of the same academic lesson each week, lesson times and days will vary. Please note, it will not be possible to fix lessons during lunch or break.
- Once the pairings have been decided, the timetable will be uploaded on SOCs. Please note it is the student’s responsibility to check and ensure that it does not clash with another polyphony lesson. It will not be possible to fetch students from their lessons as this will impact on the other student’s lesson time. Please help your daughter to find a suitable way to remember her lessons. The venues for the lessons may vary and will be emailed to you and posted on the Notice board in the Music Department.
- Students should tell their class teacher at the start of the lesson if they need to leave in the middle of the lesson. This is particularly important in practical lessons such as cooking, PE etc.
- To ensure the LAMDA lesson starts promptly, students should excuse themselves from their academic class 5 minutes before the scheduled LAMDA start time and sign out at the main school office before heading to their LAMDA lesson. Once finished, students should go straight to their next class.
- Grades 6, 7 and 8 students are expected to read the full plays of the pieces they are performing, to have a full understanding for the theory section of their exam. If their isn't copies of the students chosen plays in the drama department then students/parents must purchase these themselves.
- Payment of the term’s lessons is required in advance via JC Shop. Lessons may not continue if the invoice is not paid.
- If a teacher is unable to attend a lesson the time will either be made up or a refund will be due to you.
- If a student is unable to attend a lesson, no refund will be given. The exception to this would be if they are on an offsite JCG activity e.g. school trip. In such cases 7 days written notice will be required. This should be by email [email protected]
- In the event of school closure due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond our control, a refund will not be given.
- Cancellation of tuition – All LAMDA students will be expected to commit to a full academic year (ie 3 terms). In the event that a student wishes to stop, notice must be given by the half term prior to stopping. E.g. to stop at the end of the Autumn term, notice is required by October half term. Failure to do so will incur a charge equivalent to the following half term of tuition. Notice must be given by email to [email protected]
- LAMDA is not able to accommodate requests not to be withdrawn from certain curriculum lessons.
- If demand exceeds availability, a waiting list will be kept.