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Home School Agreement

Families choose to send their children to JCG so that they can benefit from our education and values. Therefore, in choosing JCG, it is implicit that parents / guardians support the College in its expectations. These expectations are expressed in the Home School Agreement and the various College policies to which it refers. 

JCG seeks to provide transformational learning that fosters the development of head, heart and humanity and inspires each student to make a lasting and positive impact on their world. Our vision and values are clear and underpin everything we do: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/about-jcg/our-vision-and-values.

This strong foundation enables our students to be remarkable and inclusive young people who achieve highly in their academic and co-curricular endeavours. Within our JCG family - of students, parents, staff, governors, alumni and the JCG Foundation - we are committed to maintaining high standards of education in an environment in which care and respect for others, a passion for learning and the pursuit of excellence can thrive.


As a student, I am committed to: 

Parents and guardians

As parents/guardians, we are committed to: 

  • Supporting and promoting the values and expectations of JCG
  • Fulfilling the parent/guardian responsibilities outlined in College policies (including Attendance, Supporting Student Behaviour, Home Learning and Wellbeing): https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/about-jcg/our-policies-and-procedures 
  • Supporting the College’s uniform guidelines and Sixth Form dress code by ensuring that our child is sent to school correctly dressed: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/parent/new-uniform-sept-2022 
  • Contacting the College at our earliest convenience if we are concerned about our child’s progress or wellbeing 
  • Ensuring that our interaction with the College is always conducted in a courteous and professional manner 
  • Supporting the College in whatever educational initiative or event it judges to be of benefit to our child 
  • Recognising the requirement to pay the fees, in a timely fashion, as determined by the governing body 
  • Giving at least one term’s notice of our child leaving the College in writing to the Principal and acknowledging that failure to do so will result in being liable to pay a term’s fees in lieu of notice 
  • Attending Parents’ Evenings and other meetings at the College to discuss our child’s progress and wellbeing 
  • Taking an active interest in our child’s education and their life at the College 
  • Notifying the College of any pertinent changes to our family circumstances or contact details

The College 

As a College, we are committed to: 

  • Promoting our values and expectations of learning, behaviour and wellbeing, as expressed in our vision and in College policies: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/about-jcg/our-policies-and-procedures 
  • Responding to Child Protection or Safeguarding issues as outlined in our policy: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/Keepingchildrensafe/safeguarding-and-child-protection-policy 
  • Providing students with a safe, welcoming and stimulating learning environment 
  • Providing students with a broad and balanced curriculum 
  • Notifying parents as quickly as possible in the event of their child being absent from school without parental knowledge, and when their child is unwell at school and needs to be collected and taken home
  • Notifying our Education Welfare Officer should we have on-going concerns relating to punctuality or attendance, in line with our Attendance Policy: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/Keepingchildrensafe/attendance 
  • Communicating with parents in a consistently courteous and professional manner 
  • Keeping parents informed about school matters through regular Parent Briefings, information published on the school website and letters 
  • Assisting the governing body to fulfil its responsibility to notify parents a term in advance of any fee increases 
  • Providing parents with regular written reports on their child’s learning as well as appropriate opportunities to discuss their child’s progress face to face with her teachers 
  • Making every effort to deal promptly and sensitively with issues causing parents and students concern whether raised informally or formally using the College’s complaints procedure