



  • 在课程开始前,将在SOC上提供复音课程的时间表。 
  • 精心准备的课程在预定时间开始。 
  • 鼓励并明确指导学生需要进行多少练习,以及为下一节课练习哪些方面。学生最好为此提供一个笔记本,或者如果他们带着笔记本来上课,也可以使用他们的学校计划表。 
  • 如果导师缺席,Polyphony管理员将向家长和学生发送电子邮件,任何错过的课程将在第一时间被重新安排;如果在学期结束前无法做到这一点,将以礼品卡的形式退款。 
  • 重新安排的课程将以电子邮件的形式发送给家长和学生。 
  • 在与学生和家长讨论后提出考试报名的建议。 
  • 酌情提出理论课的建议。 
  • 建议加入适当的合奏 - 我们希望在JCG上器乐/声乐课的学生能够加入由他们的器乐导师和/或音乐部门工作人员推荐的合奏。


  • 在两节课之间定期练习--不同乐器和年级的练习量和时间会有所不同。你的辅导员会根据你的水平建议适当的练习量。 
  • 课程必须通过JC商店提前预订,如果在到期日没有收到付款,课程将不会继续。在线预订结束后收到的每学期的预订将产生10%的延迟预订费。 
  • 在规定的时间内去上课,留出时间在学校办公室签到并领取乐器/音乐等。 
  • 参加导师或音乐系工作人员推荐的课外合奏。请注意,在一些合奏中,钢琴家是有机会的。 
  • 如果电子邮件地址有任何变化,请告知管理员。 
  • 如果学校的任何活动可能与Polyphony课程发生冲突,请立即通知导师或管理员(但至少要提前72小时通知)。请注意,除非是学院组织的活动,否则学生不参加的课程将不予退款,在这种情况下,学生必须提前72小时发出书面通知。这可以通过电子邮件发给Polyphony公司的管理员。


Instruments are available for hire at £45 per term. 

  • I agree to take all reasonable steps to care for the instrument hired from Polyphony.
  • I agree to maintain the instrument in a reasonable manner, including replacing worn-down replaceable parts (strings, rosin, reeds, valve oil etc).
  • I understand that the instrument should not be used for any purpose or in any manner other than as a musical instrument.
  • I agree to promptly return the instrument, upon stopping Polyphony lessons, to JCG Foundation in a condition that is no worse than the condition it was in at the beginning of the term of this agreement.
  • I understand that should the instrument be damaged beyond repair, lost, or stolen; the cost of a similar instrument will be borne by me. If the instrument is damaged, please let the Polyphony Administrator know immediately.


  • I understand that in the event of school closure due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond our control, a refund/catch up lesson will not be given.  
  • I agree that I will give a minimum of a half term’s notice for cancellation of tuition. All students will be expected to complete a full term of lessons with notice to stop to be given by the half term prior to stopping. Failure to do so will incur a charge equivalent to the following half term of tuition. Notice can be given by email. Please note that this also applies for the transition from year 6 to year 7 and the transition from one academic year to the next.
  • I understand that Polyphony cannot guarantee requests not to be withdrawn from certain curriculum lessons or to have specific set lesson times.  
  • I understand that I should advise the administrator ([email protected]), with a minimum of 72 hours' notice, of a College organised activity that clashes with a Polyphony lesson. Only on this occasion will a catch-up lesson be scheduled, or a refund JC shop gift card will be issued.  
  • I understand that if a student is unable to attend a lesson, due to illness, travel or other personal reasons, notice should be sent to the Polyphony Administrator (and teacher if applicable). Catch-up lessons will not be scheduled, nor refunds issued on this occasion. 
  • 我明白,课程必须通过JC商店提前预订,如果在到期日没有收到付款,课程将不会继续。在线预订结束后收到的每学期的预订将产生10%的延迟预订费。请注意,对于迟到的预订,我们无法保证教师的可用性。 
  • I agree to advise the administrator of any change in email address.